What we have...
- Statistics about the number and identity of users who visited your profile.
- Statistics about the number and identity of the users in whose searches you have appeared.
- The ability to save searches and see, every time you login, new users who meet your criteria.
- Upload up to 6 pictures.
- Any picture is, even after approval, inaccessible to other users - until, if you wish, you make it public.
- Pictures are automatically deleted one year after uploading.
- Your profile and pictures are not accessible to search engines.
- You can allow individual access to private pictures to those who request it.
You have the option to:
- anonymously visit other users' profiles
- notify users when you open their messages
- notify users when you delete their messages
- notify users when you mark their profile as 'Favorite'
- make public the date of your last activity on the site
You can send other users:
- message (text)
- smile
- (digital) flower
- message + smile
- message + flower
- Messages are automatically deleted 3 months after sending.
- Sending messages of any type is free, for now. In the near future, flowers will be sent for a fee.
You can add other users to your lists of:
- favorite profiles
- ignored profiles (will not appear in your searches)
- blocked profiles (will not be able to send you messages or request access to pictures)
- You can ask us for a private or public response when you contact us.
What we don't have...
- Chat. We do not want you to spend on this site more time than necessary to contact someone.
- Voting. It contributes to the completely unnecessary embitterment of our users.
- Flagging. Block or ignore the user who bothers you.
- List of users who ignore you. Depressing.
- List of those who block you. Those to whom you cannot send a message have blocked you.
- Bulk messaging. We prefer the rod instead of the net. Besides, when spammers are dissatisfied, the world is more beautiful.
- Matching system. A good algorithm increases your chances of missing the ideal partner - only because s/he is 1m 86cm instead of 1m 85cm.
- ... And many other facilities, we are convinced, are missing from this site yet. Your suggestions are welcome.